Copyrighted Dreams
Stories related both to intellectual property law and history of humankind from the places where important events occured
Copyrighted Dreams in Paris - First ever law, Impressionists expired, night Tour Eiffel prohibited

In our first episode, we explore the oldest intellectual property law in the world and we explain why copyrights of Auguste Renoir will be protected at least until the year 2043, while copyrights of other major impressionists already expired. We show you the building and the room where the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property—the first international treaty on patent and trademark matters—was signed in 1883. The first part of our boat trip concludes near the Tour Eiffel, while uncovering some intellectual property mysteries of this Gustave Eiffel’s masterpiece.

29 April
#Paris #France
Copyrighted Dreams in Paris. Ep.2 – Masonic trademarks; Notre-Dame; First ever cafe

In our second episode, we exploring masonic trademarks, legal restrictions to rebuilt Notre-Dame Cathedral after 2019 devastating fire, first café and theatre in the world. We are visiting place where everyone can buy secret manuscripts, finalizing our tour at Forgotten Palace in the center of Paris – place where modern copyright was born! This episode is based on the unique Turgot map depicting Paris as it was in 1735.

09 June
#France #NotreDame #Paris
Copyrighted Dreams in Paris. Ep.3.1 – Trademarks and patents during WW2

In this first part ("Lust of Conquest") of third episode, we exploring European trademark and patent law to understand how intellectual property was protected in Europe occupied by Germany between 1940 and 1945. Was ever unified all-German-trademark/patent registration system implemented or each country enjoyed its own intellectual property protection system? We are visiting place where first European intellectual property harmonization memorandum was considered on June, 23 1940.

23 July
#WorldWar #Germany #France #Copyright
Copyrighted Dreams 3.2. - Contradictions of collaboration

The French fashion industry was getting through tough times in the 1940s not only due to the poor economic situation in European countries, lack of materials and customers. Channel, Dior, Louis-Vuitton—the history of these brands was complicated by speculations and publications in the press about their alleged collaboration with the enemy.

16 July
#France #Fashion #WorldWar
Tour Eiffel was constructed exactly 130 years ago, in spring 1889.

Tour Eiffel was constructed exactly 130 years ago, in spring 1889. 
The popular copyrights position states that Tour Eiffel itself is in “public domain” now since Gustave Eiffel died in 1923: so anyone can make its photos or drawings without any special permission. However, night illumination of the Eiffel tower created only in 1989 is still protected by copyrights....

01 May
Apollo 11: How First Lunar Landing Mission is protected by intellectual property

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.

Fifty years ago today the man made the first step on the surface of the Moon. The first lunar expedition crew included Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin.

19 July
#Apollo #USA #trademarksinreallife
Declaration of the Rights of Genius

On July 19, 1793 National Convention, first government of just happened French Revolution, adopted a new law related to literary and artistic property. This law was the first in continental Europe forming a solid basis for modern copyrights regulation....

14 May
#Paris #France #Louvre
Copyright on Forgotten Palace

The Palais de l'Industrie (The Palace of Industry) was an exhibition hall constructed for the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1855 under special request of Emperor Napoleon III to demonstrate superiority of French technologies...

17 May
#Paris #France
Special Longread: Notre-Dame restoration vs Copyrights?

The restauration of the burnt down parts of the cathedral will be most probably based on their detailed description by art experts, architects and writers, in particular, by Victor Hugo in his novel Notre-Dame de Paris.

Some parts of the cathedral may be restored with the help of photographs and videos shot by the custodians and the visitors of the cathedral in the years preceding the fire.

In addition, at least two digital copies of the cathedral that reproduce the finest details of the structure exist today.

03 May
#Paris #France #NotreDame
An extravagant bridge of the unsigned treaty

The Pont Alexandre III named after the penultimate Russian Tsar is one of the most extravagant bridges in Paris...

09 May
#Paris #France
“A Bar at the Folies-Bergère” is the first product placement in modern art and the last major work of Edouard Manet.

This painting is a perfect example of Manet’s realistic depiction of a contemporary scene that occurred in the Folies Bergere cabaret. The cabaret is still open to the public at 32 Rue Richer in Paris...

05 May
#Paris #France
First international series

La Gare Saint-Lazare is the first building to be depicted on a series of paintings by one artist and is the first series of paintings protected globally by copyrights.

08 May
#Paris #France
Cathedral of modern retail

Le Bon Marche department store is a place where modern retail was born...

12 May
#Paris #France
Legend protected by itself

Located just a stone’s throw from Place de la Concorde, “Maxim’s” restaurant is one of the most famous restaurants in the world...

26 May
#Paris #France
Place of two kings of copyright

Place des Vosges—is the oldest planned square in Paris. It was built on the site of the Hotel des Tournelles, the royal residence of French Kings in XV-XVI centuries....

10 May
#Paris #France
Copyrighted Dreams 3.3 - Antoine de Saint Exupery, the Little Prince and copyrights

"The Little Prince" is an outstanding novel! Planned in 1940, written in 1942 and published in 1943 this novel is now among Top5 global bestsellers. How it is protected by copyrights? What was an impact of author's death on such protection?

16 July
#France #Paris #Art #Copyright #WorldWar
Copyrighted Dreams 3.4 - Edith Piaf: hidden songs, law, public domain and copyright

In this final part of third episode, we will listen breathtaking performances of the French most famous chanteuse... and will see to what extent it is allowed to use all them?

09 November
#Paris #France #Art #Copyright #WorldWar
The case of Dr. Watson’s secret wife

American court confirmed that Sherlock Holmes’s companion had two wives.

29 January
#USA #Copyright #Art
Gaudí’s Immortal Copyright

Who does Sagrada Família belong to?

29 January
#Architecture #Spain #Copyright
Brand Fallen Victim to World War

The copyright for Aspirin was transferred to the winners of the war according to the peace treaty… but was it actually?

29 January
#USA #WorldWar #EU #Germany
Great Brands on Titanic

On April 15, 1912, the British ocean liner Titanic sank into the North Atlantic Ocean.
Titanic symbolises life and society itself on many different levels

15 April
French Impressionists: complicated copyright

Today we will talk about the Impressionists and their copyright! Another chance to explain why IP law is so… well, complex.

We have analysed the cases of some of the French Impressionists for you to better understand the complexities of the copyright validity and prolongation.

07 April
#Paris #France
How First Television was protected by Intellectual property?

Copyrighted Dreams: Special 

How First Television was protected by Intellectual property?

Today is the World Television Day.
It is Vladimir Zvorykin that we consider to be the father of television.

22 November
#Paris #France
The most influential trademarks in human history

Among all trademarks ever existed, both registered and unregistered, we have selected only 5.
These, we believe, are the most important and precedential ones for the history of all other trademarks.
Happy Intellectual Property Day!

27 April
#Paris #France